Friday, October 5, 2007

...And Add-2's favorite Add-2 song is

Currently Listening to: Me

Its been a nice lil while since i jumped on this to put another blog out but it was for good reason. I was gonna put a blog out last month but it was during a time where i was the most frustrated i've been in a while. My uncle and co-worker passed within about a week of eachother, school, music and people were stressing me out and as much as i wanted to let it out and was like i couldnt. I never been able to write about what i'm going through while i'm going through it, its just always been a lil thing of mine i guess. Then i was gonna write another one about the new mixtape coming out "Tale Of Two's City Vol.2: The Return Of The Menace" but after being so focused on writing it, i stopped feeling like talking about it. But 2day i got something worth talking about.

People always ask me about how do i write and what do i think about when i write or out of the songs i've done which one is my favorite (not like u heard most of em lol). I try to not to dwell on what i wrote for too long cuz it can put u in a position where u feel u are competing with that verse or song. But if i had to choose (just for today) which song was my favorite its a song i just wrote called "Converted Me". The song sums up how i really feel about where i am in life and music. Those that know me know, i'm too much of a regular person to be a superstar, i like the spotlight in small doses. Its hard for me to act hollywood and if i did i'd probably catch myself before anyone else does. But i can honestly say that music has changed me, no im not stuck up or anything but there are subtle changes in me that someone who really knows me would be able to tell. I haven't been completely converted to loving and pursuing the good life the music business glamourizes but i have caught myself basking in it a lil.

Thats the whole concept of the song, your life changing and people reacting to it for better or worse. I never really cared for the music biz personally and i always said that the minute it stops being fun is when i'll quit and i can see myself leaving this thing and not really caring too much of what i leave behind. The song will be on Rise & Fall.

Heres some pics from the photoshoot by Kinga

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